To All Our Valued Patients Regarding Re-opening Office For Chiropractic Care

We have been authorized by Ontario Ministry of Health to begin gradually re-opening for regular chiropractic care, in hopes of being fully re-opened Monday June 8th.

Please Do Not drop in the office to book an appointment – we ask that everyone call 348-4690 and we will schedule you in.

You will notice some changes we have made to keep patients and staff as safe as possible during these stressful times.  Some of these include:

• Active and passive screening at time of booking your appointment as well as when you enter the office.  Please do not enter the office if you are sick in any fashion or have traveled out of the country in the last 14 days.

• Dr and staff will wear a mask and we ask that you wear a mask while in office as physical distancing isn’t possible at all times when receiving your treatment.

• Removed all soft materials (magazines, toys etc )

• We have created a safe patient flow and will work longer hours if needed to accommodate people in a safe manner

• Regularly cleaned and disinfected the office, including cleaning all treatment surfaces between each patient visit

• Hand sanitizer is readily available and the Dr will thoroughly wash his hands between each patient visit. We ask that you come precisely at your appointment time, not early or late, to allow flow to proceed safely.  We will make every effort to keep on time.  Please wait outside until your appointment time, and limit your time in the office.  Do not touch anything that you don’t need to touch, and wash or sanitize you hands upon entering and when leaving office